
  • Capabilities in the Guest Shell – Cisco Automation and Scripting Tools

    The Guest Shell is populated with CentOS 7 Linux, which provides the ability to YUM install software packages built for this distribution. The Guest Shell is prepopulated with many of the common tools that would naturally be expected on a networking device, including net-tools, iproute, tcpdump, and OpenSSH. Python 2.7.5 is included by default, as…


  • Accessing the Guest Shell – Cisco Automation and Scripting Tools

    You can use the run guestshell CLI command to access the Guest Shell on the Cisco Nexus device; the run guestshell command parallels the run bash command that is used to access the host shell. This command allows you to access the Guest Shell and get a Bash prompt or run a command within the…


  • Bash Shell for Cisco NX-OS – Cisco Automation and Scripting Tools

    In addition to the NX-OS CLI, Cisco Nexus 9000, 3000, 3500, 3600, 7000, and 7700 Series switches support access to the Bourne Again SHell (Bash). Bash interprets commands that you enter or commands that are read from a shell script. Using Bash enables access to the underlying Linux system on the device and to manage…


  • EEM Overview – Cisco Automation and Scripting Tools

    This section describes how to configure the Embedded Event Manager (EEM) to detect and handle critical events on Cisco NX-OS devices. The EEM monitors events that occur on the device and takes action to recover or troubleshoot these events based on the configuration. The EEM consists of three major components:  Event statements: Events to monitor…


  • Cisco Automation and Scripting Tools

    Network automation can make your life easier. There are many reasons why IT organizations of all shapes and sizes are adopting network automation. Following are some of them: Reduced operational costs: Automation can give return on investment for every dollar spent. Automation has the potential to reduce IT department staffing costs while potentially redirecting IT…


  • Enabling HX Logical Availability Zones – Cisco HyperFlex Overview

    Logical availability zones (LAZ) provide multiple logical grouping of nodes and distribute the data across these groups in such a way that no single group has more than one copy of the data. This enables enhanced protection from node failures, allowing for more nodes to fail while the overall cluster remains online. After you have…


  • Managing HX Datastores – Cisco HyperFlex Overview

    Datastores are logical containers used by the HX Data Platform to manage your storage usage and storage resources. Datastores are where the host places virtual disk files and other VM files. Datastores hide the specifics of physical storage devices and provide a uniform model for storing VM files. You can add, refresh the list, edit…


  • Managing HX Disks in the Cluster – Cisco HyperFlex Overview

    Disks, whether SSDs or HDDs, might fail. If this occurs, you need to remove the failed disk and replace it. Follow the server hardware instructions for removing and replacing the disks in the host. The HX Data Platform identifies the SSD or HDD and incorporates it into the storage cluster. To increase the datastore capacity…


  • HX Self-Encrypting Drives – Cisco HyperFlex Overview

    Self-encrypting drives (SEDs) have special hardware that encrypts incoming data and decrypts outgoing data in real-time. The data on the disk is always stored in encrypted form. A media encryption key controls this encryption and decryption. This key is never stored in the processor or memory. A security key, also known as key-encryption key or…


  • Nexus First-Hop Security – Cisco Network Security

    Information theft can result from router impersonation (man-in-the-middle attacks), address theft, address spoofing, and remote address resolution cache exhaustion (denial-of-service attacks). These security breaches can come from malicious or misconfigured users and can severely disrupt Layer 2 domains and networks in general. Nexus First-Hop Security (FHS) features enable better IPv4 and IPv6 link security and…