
USB Discovery Phase – Evaluate Cisco Automation and Orchestration Technologies

When POAP starts, the process searches the root directory of all accessible USB devices for the POAP configuration script file, configuration files, and system and kickstart images. If the configuration script file is found on a USB device, POAP begins running the configuration script. If the configuration script file is not found on the USB device, POAP executes DHCP discovery.

If the software image and switch configuration files specified in the configuration script are present, POAP uses those files to install the software and configure the switch. If the software image and switch configuration files are not on the USB device, POAP starts the DHCP phase from the beginning.

DHCP Discovery Phase

The switch sends out DHCP discover messages on the front-panel interfaces or the MGMT interface that solicits DHCP offers from the DHCP server or servers (see Figure 17-4). The DHCP client on the Cisco Nexus switch uses the switch serial number in the client-identifier option to identify itself to the DHCP server. The DHCP server can use this identifier to send information, such as the IP address and script filename, back to the DHCP client.

Figure 17-4 DHCP Discovery Process

POAP requires a minimum DHCP lease period of 3600 seconds (1 hour). POAP checks the DHCP lease period. If the DHCP lease period is set to less than 3600 seconds (1 hour), POAP does not complete the DHCP negotiation.

The DHCP discover message also solicits the following options from the DHCP server:

TFTP server name or TFTP server address: The DHCP server relays the TFTP server name or TFTP server address to the DHCP client. The DHCP client uses this information to contact the TFTP server to obtain the script file.

 Bootfile name: The DHCP server relays the bootfile name to the DHCP client. The bootfile name includes the complete path to the bootfile on the TFTP server. The DHCP client uses this information to download the script file.

When multiple DHCP offers that meet the requirement are received, the one arriving first is honored, and the POAP process moves to the next stage. The device completes the DHCP negotiation (request and acknowledgment) with the selected DHCP server, and the DHCP server assigns an IP address to the switch. If a failure occurs in any of the subsequent steps in the POAP process, the IP address is released back to the DHCP server.

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